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Saturday, August 6, 2011

An update, finally.

Hey all!
So, its been a few days since our last post, but we’ve been a little busy biking.  Generally, things have been pretty good.  No flats or any sort of mechanical issues, knock on wood. 

Day two brought us from Kelly’s place in Corvallis to Cascadia State Park.  It was pretty uneventful but good to have an easier day and get some miles under our belt.  Cascadia was beautiful, and we were able to take a dip in the Santiam River at the end of the day.

Day three was a bit of a test, both physically and mentally.  Cascadia is at an elevation of about 900 feet and the highest pass we summited was 4817 feet, meaning we climbed 3917 feet in one day.  There were definitely trying times, and every corner seemed to lead to another incline.  We made it, though, and the 6 mile decent down the other side and camping at Suttle Lake was a great way to end the day.

Day four was a well needed half day.  We left from Suttle Lake and easily made it to Sisters where we got some food and hung out at a park for a little while.  We continued on to Bend, where we were treated to a scrumptious chicken dinner by our host, Sterling Scott.  As an added bonus, Grant and Larissa happened to be in town.  We replenished some supplies, did some laundry, and finally took a shower. 

Day five was a high mileage day.  The hills we behind us for the most part and the wind was at our backs.  The miles seemed to fly by and it wasn’t too hot.  We passed through two “towns” which were comprised of a café/diner/gas station/postoffice/convenient store and not much more.

Day 6 was another high mileage day.  An early start and high MPH average made for an easy and productive day.  We ended in Burns around 3:00 in the afternoon and we graciously hosted by the Colahan family.

Two more days of biking and we'll be out of Oregon and into Idaho!


  1. Have you made any adjustments to what supplies you are taking as you go along? Have you discussed using Twitter for short status updates?

  2. You guys are doing great. Is your route accurate or a rough mapping ?

  3. We have mostly just gotten more food as we go along, the biggest thing to consider is weight, so instant oatmeal for breakfast, peanut butter and Nutella for lunch, and noodles for dinner, mostly, and we have eaten a lot of power bars. Also, its still a little early in our trip to really change non consumable goods.

    So Far the route is pretty accurate, we might change some things as we go through Idaho. We will try update the map as we change our route.

    Dan and Rose
