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Please read about our adventure!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Goodbye Oregon!

So, we're out of Oregon, almost.  We are in Ontario, about as close to the border of Idaho as you can get.  Tomorrow will be our first official day outside the state of Oregon. We have gone a total of 460 miles so far.

Day seven got off to a good start with a big meal provided by the gracious Colahan family, fueling us to a pretty productive day.  It was hot, in the 100's, and we had the misfortune of having to summit out tallest summits, Stinkwater Pass and Drinkwater Pass, in the heat of the day.  The water we were drinking was closer to being tea than cold water.  We camped in Juntura, an RV park that also allowed people to pitch a tent.  Not ideal, but after that day of riding we weren't about to go any further. We did get to play with some adorable kittens in the morning, made it slightly worth it, the downside was we may have doubled the amount of mosquito bites while staying there.

Day eight was a good day.  It was downhill most of the day and the scenery was beautiful.  We followed the Malheur River pretty much the whole day and it ended up being our highest mileage day at 75 miles. We felt accomplished getting that many miles in. We rested in Vale before battling intense wind on the way into Ontario. We treated ourselves to plush motel with a shower, tv, and a comfy bed. Thank you to those of you who donated money so that we could enjoy this creature comfort :)

We will now apply some calamine lotion to our dozens of mosquito bites! The next week or so we will be crossing Idaho! Whoohoo!


  1. What a week! Love your descriptions of your route. Will Idaho be fairly flat??

  2. You are the most awesome chick in our family. Really I mean it.

  3. Awesome chick that came from super awesome parents! :) Rosie I am sooooooooo glad you r blogging this adventure!! Love you!!!

  4. Great job, guys! Keep it up and keep blogging. It's inspiring me to go on more adventures, too. Love you both!
