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Please read about our adventure!

Monday, August 15, 2011

A little bit of rest

Howdy there folks!

In this blog entry we will be discussing days 11 to 15. It will be really riveting, so stay tuned...

Day eleven was mentioned in our previous blog entry, but right after we posted, some events that we thought would take place changed up a bit. We were able to get contact a person on warmshowers.org that was able to house us, this included a much needed shower and a comfortable bed to sleep in! I know, we ask for a lot. 

On day twelve we started the day with some flap jacks and some bacon, yumm! (Don't tell Rose's mother). This was able to fuel us to travel the 70 miles to Craters of the Moon National Monument. It was a pretty solid riding day, there were just enough hills to keep us interested, but not so much that it made the trek to unbearable. We have been encountering some wind that is quite a hassle to deal with. Craters of the Moon was really interesting, it is such a different looking landscape and is so seemingly desolate, but upon closer inspection it is teeming with life. We found a great campsite and one of our most unique sites yet and even managed to squeak into the visitors center before it closed. 

Day thirteen we biked a good 55 miles out into the middle of nowhere. We were somewhat near Atomic City, population 25.  Of those 25 people, according to wikipedia, two are under the age of 24 and something like 18 are over the age of 64. Quite an interesting little town, we're sure.  It was another day of battling against the wind, but other than that, it was a splendid ride. We made camp with a mountain view and some lush sunflowers that are in full bloom. We even got a spectacular mountain sunset to top our night off :)

Day fourteen we took another half day as we dashed into Idaho Falls. We arrived in the early afternoon as we only gave ourselves a 35 mile ride. We ended up exploring the wonderful town of Idaho Falls on a lovely Sunday afternoon, which I would recommend coming into town on another day of the week, as most things are closed on Sundays. We were able to stay the night at the home of another college friend, Rebekah, where we received much needed shower and a good hot meal in the morning. 

Day fifteen is a rest day. Yes, a rest day. We have decided to give our overworked thighs a little break from this incessant riding. Dan was able to do some repairs on his bike that needed to get done and Rose was able to finish a few more chapters in her book. So far it has been a pretty nice little break.


  1. You seem to be doing a state/ week bike tour. Wind at no extra charge. Thanks for your post!

  2. @ Lori: That Rose ate bacon.
    @ Rob: Thanks! It would be much more states if we were on the east coast.

  3. Rose, I'm your mom's cousin. What is your final destination? I highly commend you for taking this trip and it will be a memory you'll never forget ~ Jean Spillane

  4. Hey, thanks for the great Tetons picture. Hope you guys have the time to enter and spend a day touring each and every one of the National Parks?
    The tortoise wins the race every time!!

    Dan: I change my mind...I don't want to race you up Spencers Butte after all.
